Wednesday, May 1, 2019

How Can We Do My C++ Assignment for You?

One of the things that C++ offers that Java does not is overloaded operators, these provide a mechanism for writing code that reads much more naturally than code that uses functions instead. The normal types are the int types (short, char, long, etc), and float types (float, double) in addition to pointers to one of these. Say you want to represent values that represent fractions, you can’t use integers and floats (and doubles) are inexact. In decimal 1/3 can not be represented (0.3333…..) and in binary there is a problem representing 0.1, which is common number in everyday use.
If we used a rational class similar to Java, we might have rational a = new Rational(1, 10); rational b = new Rational(2, 5); rational c = a.add(b); instead of rational c = a + b; Although the Java works it is less readable, and we could do a.add(2) instead of a + 2 but that does not work if we want 2 + b since we can’t write 2.add(b). With addition it too much of a problem to switch them around, but 2 – a is not the same as a – 2. With rational we can even avoid writing methods that operate on a rational and an integer value because we can use the fact an implicit constructor is called to convert the integer value into a rational value.
The other advantage of operator overloading, is that we can offer implicit casts to float, so you could write sin(a) without having to provide your own implementation of sin, we just need to offer an implicit conversion to double. You should also override the << and >> for ostream and istream so that you can display a value using cout << a and read it by using cin >> a. You should also provide for comparisons to make them behave as expected. You write methods using operator+, operator- etc rather than using __lt__ as you would do in Python.
Overloaded operators allow you to extend the language, but use responsibly. A string class that uses + to add strings together makes sense, but what would – do? If you made – remove the string if it appeared at the end, that might be OK for your use case but “Hello World” - “ ” to give “HelloWorld” could also be argued to be correct, so it would need documenting. Python allows you to use “-” * 40 to give a string 40 characters long, so you might consider that as a reasonable overload.
If you are looking for help with a C++ project we can help, and can use features such as operator overload, templates, or just stick to the basics if that is the level you have been taught to use. We operate 24/7 but the fastest response time is during the hours 8AM-11PM (PST).
You can rely on Programming Assignment Helper  if you need someone to do my C++ homework.


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