Tuesday, April 30, 2019

How Our Haskell Assignment Help Can Explain Haskell?

Haskell is very different than most programming languages you will already learned, as you can’t change the value of an identifier (so technically there are no variables). Haskell features lazy evaluation, so methods are not called when you might expect them to be, but instead called when the value is needed, and this includes sequences so you can define a sequence 1 to infinity and still process it. The symbol _ is used to represent a value that you are not interested in.
Haskell uses patterns, so you can define the factorial sequence as
factorial :: Integer -> Integer
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n – 1)
which means factorial is defined as taking an integer and returning an integer, that the factorial for 0 is 1 and the factorial for any other value of n is the factorial of (n-1) * n. As you can also see, brackets are not used (unless you need to do an operation such as n – 1 to stop it being treated as 2 parameters n and -1.
You can define types, which can be either limited to a fixed number of alternatives such as
data Sex = Male | Female

Which says sex is either male or female, or you can define the equivalent of a C structure using
data Person = Person String Sex Int
Which says a person has a string (for their name, their sex and an integer for their age).
You can define an instance of a person using
boss :: Person
boss = Person “Neil” Male 52
Or you can use an instance directly. You can define methods to access the components of a Person, using
getName :: Person -> String
getName (Person name _ _) = name
getSex :: Person - > Sex
getSex (Person _ sex _) = sex
getAge :: Person -> Int
getAge (Person _ _ age) = age
An example of using an instance directly would be
map getName [Person “Tom” Male 30, Person “Terri” Female 25, boss]
which returns
[“Tom”, “Terri”, “Neil”]
So if functional programming in a language such as Haskell has you pulling your hair out, never worry we have people who have already gone bald and have managed to write large scale programs in Haskell and can save you the stress and worry that you may have encountered. Our experts are available for you on a 24/7 basis as they are located around the world in Europe, Australia and America and we can provide solutions for you. The fastest response time from our experts at quoting a new assignment is between the hours of 8AM and 11PM (PST).


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